Corona Sanctions Make European Country Clean

Corona Sanctions Make  European Country Clean
Copenhagen: For the first time since the Corona epidemic, a European country has freed its citizens from all SOPs restrictions, and for its citizens, the pre-Corona era of freedom has returned, with many citizens Expressing happiness, and a big concert has been held. 

According to the details, Denmark became the first European country on Friday, where all restrictions on the corona have been lifted, and the old era of freedoms has returned, now Danish residents can go anywhere, including nightclubs and bars. There is no need to show a green pass (vaccine certificate), the government has lifted all restrictions at a time when 70% of the country's population has been vaccinated, although the World Health Organization warned that vaccination alone would end the epidemic. 

However, the Danish government has not heeded it, and has freed citizens from all restrictions, with officials saying the situation in Corona is under control, with up to 500 cases a day. Danish citizens are happy to be freed from the Corona ban, and say they are relieved to have been freed, since the Corona epidemic has made life difficult for them since last year. 50,000 people are attending a concert in Copenhagen on Saturday after the lifting of sanctions, the first major concert in Europe after the Corona. It should be noted that Iceland also lifted the Corona ban in June before Denmark. As the Corona case escalated, Iceland had to impose some restrictions back.

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